My Journey between Two Trees

Tree of Knowledge

It’s more obvious to some of us than to others, but we are all injured and captive in a fallen world. We chose to partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and follow Mother Eve on this journey to increase our Wisdom and Knowledge.

Tree of Life

Wisdom and Knowledge begin when we recognize our captivity and then allow Christ to lead us to the Tree of Life. This process brings us healing, knowledge, and exaltation. Healing with Christ is the ongoing story of my own journey.

My Travel Log

The Seeker’s Guide to Translation Here’s Jj’s newest video. Okay–I know this sounds nuts, but at least twice in my life I have neared translation. The first time I was about to pass the point of no return, when the Spirit said, “STOP!” I then consciously decided to turn back to being fallen. It was then that I was…

The Way/What Day Are You On?

By my brother Levi Jefferson Hilton, M.D. 3/30/24Palm Sunday – increasing in faith and worship of ChristMonday – cleansing our inner temple, overcoming the worldTuesday – feasting upon the words of Christ, increased revelationWednesday – resting in the Lord, preparingThursday – sacrament/sanctification, promise of second comforter to comeGethsemane/Calvary – Trial of FaithFriday/Crucified – endured trial…


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12 thoughts on “

  1. I love you Nicole. You can do hard things. You can do this journey with one breath at a time, one muscle twitching reacting to your mental thought to move forward. Think, “I CAN!”. Align with God’s inspiration and think, “I WILL!”. One movement, one thought, one squeeze of the hand. Your life is going to be wonderful. You can do this! Your life is important. It has meaning. People from all over the world are cheering for you. God loves you, your family loves you, your friends and even people that have gotten to know you through your blog and facebook love you. Never give up again because this is your path. You were meant to make a difference and you are! I know you will rise from your hospital bed and keep influencing others to come to Christ through more writing and sharing of your incredible light for good. Nicole, know you can do hard things to the point that one day you’ll rise from your wheelchair. One day you’ll take one step forward and then another. Know God can move mountains from your life, even Webb Hill. There Will Be Miracles!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So I want to say thank you. Thank you for helping us to see the reality of Jesus, Satan, and eternity. It has transformed my wife, our relationships with our children, and with God. I am sorry for the pain you have had to endure, but because of what you have written because of this, our lives are infinity better. Thank you. Our prayers are with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Nicole. This is Brian Knox, the owner of Bear Naked Body Care. We met at the Washington County Fair. Thank you for sharing with me what you did in the short time we talked. I haven’t yet read a lot of your blog (a bit, though), but am looking forward to learning of your journey. It truly is all about Christ, who freed me from PTSD in a miraculous way.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have now read a good chunk of your writings and just have to say that I’m a fan. I love your writing style, a lot of people journal but few people have a Dave Berry/Pat McManus-esque voice to their writing. Thank you for what you do and I hope it continues. I’m curious, I know you have some upcoming children’s books you are interested in publishing, are you considering diving at all into any long form works of fiction?



    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes you did and thanks so much! I always look forward to more writings! I remember you from the ol’ singing at the temple on Sunday night days, had no idea you had such an incredible story to tell.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi Aaron! I’m just writing you to tell you about my book that’s coming out in a month or so! It’s called Prelude in N Minor. ANYWAY…I feel like we’re friends…and I just wanted to tell someone lololol 😙😄😂😂😅🤣😆


          1. Hey, I watched the latest Mormon stories podcast about the daybells, 8 passengers, Jodi H, Tim Ballard, and how all of these wacky peoples lives were all highly influenced (if not destroyed)by the book “Visions of Glory” (which now, Thom Harrison claims got way out of hand, he regrets telling his story, and says all of it was metaphorical and not real). They talked a lot about the book so I searched it online to listen to and I’ll be a monkeys uncle if one of the top postings to listen to the book was not from your ex JJ s YouTube page!!! So I had to reach out… I need to know your thoughts on how all these things are connected and how much, if any, this book influenced your own struggles with religious scrupulosity if you don’t mind. I guess there is like a cult within the lds church of these hyper religious, NDE, vision having prepers who consider this book to be scripture even though the dude who has the “visions” has stated that they were not to be taken seriously….


  5. wow I love that you consider my writing Dave Berry-esque! I love him lol. I don’t really have any long works of fiction, but I do have some short ones I could publish (maybe…)

    However, right now I feel an urgency to publish ALL of my writings in a book. So watch for an update about that!

    Thank you so much for reading.


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